We work with local builders and suppliers to build the Gardenship (Module 1, Module 2 and Module 3) on your location
Our system is registered in patent and has intellectual property. If you want to built your own and use your own resources, we provide consulting services for building the system, training and maintenance.
We create an education platform in various media for the Community, Government, Industry and Academic Institutions.
Conduct training/workshops on-site or at different locations, and give talks in seminars or symposiums.

at TAMAN KENTEN Community Garden,
The construction of The Gardenship TM under the CSV project aims to implement low-tech composting facilities at the Urban Farming Project in Taman Kenten, owned by Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang. The waste resources are from the green waste of the farm and food waste from the community housing around the sites.
Composting results with the Vermicompost process are worm casting, organic soil and liquid fertilizer. These results will be used for farming and gardening activities.
Another main purpose is also to educate people, kids and students around the Gardenship to know more about composting, especially food waste.

Module 1, Palembang 2023
Module 1 project is the first commercial project in Indonesia. We work closely with the CSV (create shared value) department of PT PUPUK SRIWIDJAJA. In addition to educating the local community, the aim of this project development is also a form of goodwill from the company to contribute to preserving the environment, especially in the field of organic waste management.

Every Indonesian on average throws away the equivalent of IDR 2.1 million per year. The results of the analysis, the value of food waste in Indonesia reaches IDR. 330 trillion per year.
Gardenship is a food waste management facility that composts food waste, builds organic soil, grows food and creates educational spaces. These facilities are invented by Andrew Hayim De Vries and have the Patent/IP registered.
The main focus of the Gardenship is creating an educational platform and hands-on learning centre for the Community, Businesses, Academic Institutions and Government regarding the food waste stream, and at the moment food waste is one of the biggest issues in our environment because the number of food waste are getting higher each year in Indonesia as well as the rest of the world.
Design for Future
Scalable & Adaptable
Engage & Educate Community
Food Waste Desentralization
Food Access & Production
Minimum land size required (12m x 18m)
Total Food Waste: 900 kg/week 46,8-ton food waste per year
Minimum land size required (12m x 18m)
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
Minimum land size required (26m x 46m)
Combination 1 + 1: 1.800 kg/week 93,6-ton food waste per year
Combination 1 + 2: 1.250 kg/week 65-ton food waste per year
Combination 2 + 2: 900 kg/week 46,8-ton food waste per year
The Gardenship Cafe offers a new and unique experience where a restaurant or cafe operates normally like a cafe during operational hours. Still, when it closes, it becomes a composting facility. The bench used for sitting is a beautifully designed compost box, odorless and does not attract mice. This concept is in line with the circular economy concept in food which is of course environmentally friendly and organic-certified. It’s serious working cafe ecosystem dealing with complete innovation and experiencing truly unique environment. Also this cafe can function as
a workshop venue, talks and seminars. It’s like a living laboratory of learning experience, breathtaking in all its wonder like no other. “Opening soon”
Meet the Team
Ecological designer, project manager and public speaker, based in Ubud, Bali and consulting internationally. With over 40 years of experience in the home, garden, and integrated compost design, and having consulted commercially in these disciplines over the past decade. My passion is to bring a wealth of functional design and experience to every project.
2022 - 2023: Inventor WastePlant Tropic Indonesia 2023
2017 - 2020: Inventor, co-director of Subpod
2015 - 2019: Compost Central
2008 - 2015: Founder Compost Install
Designer and branding communication, project manager, teacher, photographer & writer based in Bali, Indonesia. More than 15 years of experience in design and branding communication, for the past 10 years working with the community, institutions, and education for environmental projects and awareness.
Graphic Designer, photographer, program manager, teacher & writer based in Bali and Salatiga, Central Java.
I met Yvonne and Juta in Bali about four months ago through a dear friend the couple informed me that they have a farm in Palembang. I wanted to explore their product and so it began. Bearing in mind the location the isolation and to quantify all the issues pricing Freight in a relatively remote area of Indonesia,
This is my third visit to Palembang, previous visit was for meetings purposes with The Head of Land Development, Business Colleagues and giving presentations at the University.

Growing Plants | Module 2 Gardenship
Buddhi Farm, Palembang - 31 January 2023 | Video Duration: 01.45
It's been four weeks since we start planting seedlings in the Gardenship. We grow vegetables, flowers and even medicinal plants like Binahong. Follow our journey…
Why Indonesia?
Buddhi Farm, Palembang - September 2022 | Video Duration 02:16
I have a very personal relation with Indonesia. My father was born and raised in Bandung for 21 years. For being the second generation, I want to give back and participate in the change in education dealing with food waste. Personal Interest, yes absolutely! Love the food, the people and the culture.
My Worm stories
Buddhi Farm, Palembang - September 2022 | Video Duration: 02.57
Worm story for me goes back 45 years as Charles Darwin called the lungs of the earth which he studied for 25 years in his career. The worm engine room of composting organic waste which for 60 million years has created a perfectly balanced ecosystem with flora, fauna and habitat called living systems we are dependent on healthy soil for food. Therefore, worms and microbes are ultimately needed to create ecological habitats. Please watch the video for the worm story.
Buddhi Farm, Palembang - September 2022 | Video Duration: 01.46
The Gardenship
The Gardenship facility is very flexible with its building material. The construction can make out of bamboo, reclaimed timber, steel and etc depending on the environment to adapt.
The Worms Journey
Lampung & Palembang South Sumatra - September 2022 | Video Duration: 01.34
It’s a long way to get the healthy worm for our compost system. After several times failed on shipping the worm, we finally decided to make an 8 hours journey back and forth from Palembang to Lampung, another province next to Palembang in the southern part of Sumatra. Watch our video to see the end result!
Internship Student from Pesantren Kiai Marogan
Buddhi Farm, Palembang - 18 August - 17 October 2022 | Video Duration: 01.57
Andrew presented and introduced his compost system to the internship students at Kebun Buddhi. He explains food waste composting as well as the important part of the worm in the system.
Visit from CV Sumber Makmur Worm Farm Lampung, Sumatra
Buddhi Farm, Palembang - September 2022 | Video Duration: 02.49
We are very happy to have CV Sumber Makmur Worm Farm along the way from Lampung, Sumatra. We are using their worms to implement our compost system. We are happy to share our experience regarding the worm, vermicompost and organic fertilizer.
The Gardenship Journey
Buddhi Farm, Palembang - September 2022 | Video Duration: 01.46
Our pilot project starts on 17 August 2022 and is still ongoing until now. This video is the documentation of our first project in Indonesia. If you want to know the updated facilities until today (October 17th 2022) please check out our short video and stay tuned for the progress.
Biowash Promic at The Gardenship
PT PUSRI, Palembang - 28 July 2023 | Video Duration: 03.19
Biowash is one of the essential elements of the Gardenship System. Biowash is the Catalysator that enhanced the composting system by activating microbes on the soil to make the composting system faster. Please watch the video above.
Why building Gardenship in the Resort
The video is about why integrating Gardenship in the Resort has many benefits. The facilities are composting food, producing organic soil and growing food in the same place, creating no odour and not attracting rats or other animals. The structure is designed for the future. The design can be adjusted, with different materials like bamboo and timber.
Buddhi Farm, Palembang - 5 December 2022 | Video Duration: 06.38
Moving Worms into the System
PT PUSRI, Palembang - 28 July 2023 | Video Duration: 02.02
It’s ready! the worms are installed on the system. let’s see how it goes! excited!
3 Zones in the Gardenship
Buddhi Farm, Palembang - 31 January 2023 | Video Duration: 02.35
Andrew will explain more about our 3 important zones in the Gardenship. Compost box as zone 1, Zone 2 as neutral area and zone 3 composting food and growing zones.
Composting Food Waste in the Strip Compost.
PT Pusri Palembang - 28 Juli 2023 | Video Duration: 01.39
This is how we compost the food waste in the strip compost. Please jump on our youtube channel.
Gardenship for Community
Buddhi Farm, Palembang - 31 January 2023 | Video Duration: 01.45
The Gardenship not only facilities for composting food waste but also the main core of the Gardenship is education. Education for people and communities is one of the highlights.
Media Coverage 2022
Subpod The in-ground compost system and growth hub for your garden that turns food waste into living soil.
Composting your food waste has never been this simple. Designed and invented by Andrew Hayim De Vries, the Subpod® in-garden compost system works with nature, using worms and microbes to compost organic waste without the odours, vermin, mess and hard work of traditional composting.
Talalla Retreat (2017) A fully equipped, onsite waste management facility for a high end beachside resort
Talalla Retreat, a renowned resort on the south coast of Sri Lanka, engaged with me to create a solution for the food waste management of the resort. I travelled to Sri Lanka and visited the resort to do a full audit of the food and carbon waste streams on site and prepare a plan and budget for developing a complete food and green waste management plant.
Mockup Render
Wasteplant Tropic Indonesia working together with Mockup Render for its Gardenship 3D Render Visual for Modules 1, 2 and 3. We are very pleased with the result and it’s an honour to work together with Mockup Render. Visit their website to see their amazing work
Sub Vein Studio
DescriptioSub Vein Studio is an architecture firm based in Bali. Established in 2021, Sub Vein Studio provides services in Architecture and Interior Design, starting from a conceptual design that follows through to construction drawings. We have completed various projects ranging from private residential homes to multi-scale commercial properties.
We believe that every design is unique and we see Architecture as a translation of our client's dreams and needs go here.
Sumber Makmur Worm Farm
Description goes here CV Sumber Makmur Worms is one of the partnership centres for ANC worm & native bee farming in Lampung. Established in early 2021, our head office is in Gunung Sugih District, Central Lampung, Lampung Province, Indonesia. We not only do the business but we also educate and encourage people to become professional worm breeding and native bees through our training and supervision. Now we have more than 1500 members around Indonesia. Please visit our website to get more information.